June 25, 2010

Cat in the Lav

May 28, 2010

Boarding at Boreal

Mommy and Daddy are going away for the Victoria Day long weekend, so I stayed at Boreal with Guy, Natalie, and my parents. Here's me in the cage, that's to stop all the girls there from chasing a cute guy like me.

Here's me again - NOT! This is actually my sister Lizzie! We sure look alike!

Guess who this is?

May 16, 2010

Another Sunday Afternoon

It was such a nice day, I went outside with Mommy to enjoy the sun.

May 1, 2010

Hide and Seek

April 18, 2010

Personal Grooming

The weather is getting warmer, and Mommy said it's time to give my coat a good brush.

As you can see, I really enjoy being groomed by Mommy.

April 17, 2010

Wanna Know A Secret?

I met a new friend today. He seems like a nice guy.

So I told him a secret of mine.

I even gave him a kiss!

March 13, 2010

Meko the King

February 27, 2010

My Favourite Spots

Having been living with Mommy and Daddy for three months now, I have pretty much explored every corner of the house. There are a few places which have became my favourite spot to monitor what's going on or just lie down to relax.

Spot #1: On top of the speaker
Reason: One of the highest places in the house (that I'm allowed to jump onto), close to the TV

Hey, don't I look just like my father Dexter?

Spot #2: The leather armchair
Reason: Comfy, leather furniture - which cat wouldn't like that?

Spot #3: By the window
Reason: Outdoor view, large area for me to sleep in any position

 As you can see, I'm getting really sleepy