January 31, 2010

Cat Tunnel

Mommy and Daddy recently bought some cat tunnels from Ikea. At first they were unsure whether I'd actually use it, but that was a needless concern because I got addicted to it instantly.

Add a McPOC and it becomes the most exciting game ever!

I hide inside and when Mommy or Daddy walks by, I quickly jump out to grab their legs. It's super fun to catch them off guard!

January 13, 2010

Playing With Myself

January 7, 2010

I'm a Mouse

I was pretending to be a mouse, running around the house with my head stuck inside this slipper.

There was something inside that I was trying hard to get.

Can you guess what it was? The McPOC, of course!

January 2, 2010

New Year's Party

Happy New Year everyone! I had so much fun at the parties.

People kept petting me and holding me.

Everyone wanted to play with me.

I was first to save my seat at the dinner table.

I gave my friend kisses because she hurt her finger.

I got so tired already I could hardly stay up for games.